Architect Breaks Down the Design Of Four Iconic New York City Museums: the Met, MoMA, Guggenheim & Frick

In the Archi&tshy;tec&tshy;ur­al Digest video above, archi&tshy;tect Michael Wyet&tshy;zner (pre&tshy;vi&tshy;ous&tshy;ly fea&tshy;tured here on Open Cul&tshy;ture for his exege&tshy;ses of New York's apart&tshy;ments, bridges, and sub&tshy;way sta&tshy;tions, as well as Cen&tshy;tral Park and the Chrysler Build&tshy;ing) uses his expert knowl&tshy;edge to reveal the design choic&tshy;es that have gone into the Met&tshy;ro&tshy;pol&tshy;i&tshy;tan Muse&tshy;um of Art, the Muse&tshy;um of Mod&tshy;ern Art, the Solomon R. Guggen&tshy;heim Muse&tshy;um, and the Frick Col&tshy;lec&tshy;tion.
Occu&tshy;py&tshy;ing five blocks of Cen&tshy;tral Park, MoMA is less a build&tshy;ing than a col&tshy;lec&tshy;tion of build&tshy;ings - each added at a dif&tshy;fer&tshy;ent time, in a style of that time - and indeed, less a col...
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