Absolute madlad turns a PS1 into a handheld console and it's beautiful

This is an old-school portable with lots of hot glue. " said YveltalGriffin on the BitBuilt forums.
The coolest aspect of this build is that it runs on original PS1 hardware rather than just using emulation to run old games on new machinery. To do it, YveltalGriffin took the original PU-18 PS1 motherboard and massacred it so that it could be cut in half, folded and then rewired.
Of course, running discs was always going to be a problem so Griffin also put in a Xstation ODE so that games can be run straight from an SD card.
Griffin is humble though, and does point out that it has a few drawbacks. "No heatsinks, so it gets nice and toasty after a while" Griffin writes, also noting that it doesn't have volume controls. There's also no analogue sticks, meaning a couple of PS1 games work.
Read at WGB