A Review of Frieda Toranzo Jaeger at MAO | Berlin Art Link

Desire is a disaster," Frieda Toranzo Jaeger states in her interview...a Babel Tower of irreconcilable desires are rapidly hurtling humankind towards destruction.
These heart disasters, or heart crashes, provide a powerful metaphor for Jaeger's philosophical project, but also an emotional centre for an exhibition richly infused with art historical concerns and futurity.
Jaeger seems tapped into the less heralded Romantic Ballard, whose capacity to depict longing and desire were as profound as his jaundiced eye for conjuring the ways in which humans would bend technological advances to their most base urges.
The florid-literally-open-hearted works Jaeger creates are not merely materialised wishes, but they also directly reference forms and artists from the past, particularly Lucas Cranach and Diego Rivera, as well as the interlocking narrative structures in Medieval European altar pieces.
Read at Berlin Art Link