This is many years in the making. Imagine a database where rows can live in different geographical locations, where you can specify the location with just a value in the column, and yet you can perform transactions and complex queries.
The benefits are reduced latency, as geo-partitioning improves network latency by placing data closer to users, resulting in faster response times and lower costs as customized database configurations align costs with actual usage, for example, allocating more resources to partitions serving a more significant number of users.
Geo-partitioning distributes a single table across multiple configurations, bringing data closer to users while maintaining centralized table benefits. Users can partition some or all tables, allowing specific placement rules at the row level. Application requests are routed to the relevant partitions containing the requested data.
As shown in the diagram below, your different data partitions can be configured with different numbers of nodes based on the specific requirements-reads, writes, and storage-of the data that your partition serves. This helps you optimize your costs for an asymme