Can scientific research on the causes of homosexuality be used against LGBTQ+ people?

To be frank, I find these kinds of studies that're looking for something rooted in the body to explain sexuality to be kind of bunk. I think they rely on a really binary understanding of sexuality itself.
My novel is interested in the pre-Kinsey sexology studies, specifically this one called Sex Variants. It's really informed by eugenics. They were looking for the cause of homosexuality in the body in order to treat it or cure it or get rid of it.
Most of it fell flat, yielding little information on factors associated with sexuality... there is an exception to this, and that is the finding that men, specifically, who exhibit attraction to the same sex are likely to have more older brothers than other types of siblings. It's known as the 'fraternal birth order effect.'
Other studies over the years have found the same thing, and some have indicated the pattern holds up for lesbians as well as gay men.
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