Review | 'Passages': Portrait of the artist as a self-involved man

"Passages" explores the complexities of a classic love triangle: The film delves into the dynamics and emotions of a love triangle between Tomas, Martin, and Agathe. Each character is revealed through their behavior, with Tomas displaying egocentrism, Martin having healthier boundaries, and Agathe acting on instinct.
The film addresses consuming sexual attraction: Unlike other films, "Passages" openly and forthrightly explores the intense sexual attraction that drives the three protagonists. This adds a unique and unexpected dimension to the story and relationships depicted.
"Passages" offers a sophisticated and attractive portrayal of contemporary Paris: Set in contemporary Paris, the film showcases the city's sophisticated and bohemian lifestyle. The carefully curated apartments, pulsing music, and meaningful looks contribute to the overall aesthetic and atmosphere of the film.
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