If Trump had shown up for his speech on time, we would have known an hour earlier that this wasn't going to happen. Instead, we waited. Once Trump did start his speech, it didn't take long to realize that the folks waiting for hours all day were sold a bill of goods. Trump's speech was a rambling, at times incoherent, stump speech with a few little nods toward crypto, and... I guess... Bitcoin thrown in for good measu
I can't deny that getting Donald Trump to speak at the Bitcoin Conference during an election year is a huge "get." It is an important moment for Bitcoin and we should all appreciate this development, in some sense, as a milestone that we can all be proud of as Bitcoiners. Trump's speech promised to lunge Bitcoin into the mainstream political conversation and thereby normalize an up and coming digital currency that most people still dismiss as "fake internet money". It was a moment we were all supposed to remember for the rest of our lives; this was Bitcoin's chance to be included in serious conversations held by serious people.