Consumers embracing cryptocurrency as payment option

According to the research, 72 percent of gamers responding currently own digital currency, and 48 percent of the study's subjects describe themselves as 'very knowledgeable' or 'extremely knowledgeable about cryptocurrency'. Another striking finding is that the knowledge gap between men and women has narrowed since 2022.
Kaspersky discovered that consumers' knowledge about cryptocurrency and their confidence in it has grown. More than a half of respondents in the survey (48%) boasted they were 'very' or 'extremely knowledgeable' about digital currency. Women appear to have increased their familiarity with the subject, as 41 percent of them, say they know a lot about crypto compared to 46 percent of men - a gap that has shrunk year-on-year. Gamers are particularly knowledgeable 72 percent even owning crypto.
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