Ultimately, any blockchain accessibility solution has to decide on a split of responsibilities: either the user does most of the computation necessary or some third party does. A spectrum of solutions may be developed based on different types and needs of users, from a full node to a full third-party service.
Most blockchain research is based on the assumption that users run their local nodes. This means the fact that running a full node is still the best way to provide integrity, availability, and privacy... We also recalled events that render the providers unable to provide service. These facts mean that third-party service providers can and do fail, and thus relying on them can become risky.
At the same time, considering the high cost of running a full node locally, we believe that users should have more choice that does not impact the security guarantees. We observe the emergence of so-called ultralight nodes, which provides a way for third-party services to give a verifiable statement that requires little hardware power from the client.
#blockchain-accessibility #security-guarantees #full-node-vs-third-party-service #ultralight-nodes #user-computation