The political blame-game has dominated the Covid inquiry. But here's what we really need to learn | Devi Sridhar

The UK could have handled the pandemic better. Our excess mortality is second highest in western Europe, and far higher than Norway, Finland and Denmark, as well as east Asian countries, Australia and New Zealand. We also know what went wrong. The government was slow to acknowledge the threat of the pandemic to Britain, and didn't act fast enough to contain Covid-19. This included no plan for containment, not having adequate PPE, lack of testing for months, no border restrictions to limit importation, and delays in pulling the emergency lever of lockdown.
The exact way things were dysfunctional has now been confirmed by those in government. Boris Johnson was indecisive, distracted by Brexit and changed his mind depending on whom he last spoke to. Dominic Cummings suggested that the current prime minister, Rishi Sunak, termed Dr Death by one science adviser, thought the government should just let people die. Clearly he was considering his own am
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