The New Jersey Department of Health confirmed the first case of H5 Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu in a feral cat, which developed severe neurological symptoms and was subsequently euthanized. Investigations are underway to determine how the cat contracted the virus, with suspicions pointing towards interactions with wild birds. Biosecurity measures remain a priority due to the virus's potential to spread between species. While avian influenza has led to over 166 million bird infections nationwide since 2022, it is currently deemed a low threat to human health in New Jersey.
The first confirmed case of H5 Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu in a New Jersey cat resulted in humane euthanasia due to severe disease, raising biosecurity concerns.
New Jersey officials investigate how the feral cat contracted the virus, suspecting contact with wild birds, illustrating the need for stringent biosecurity measures.
The CDC reports that over 166 million birds have been affected by the avian flu since 2022, with significant outbreaks impacting commercial poultry and backyard farms.
Despite current outbreaks among wild aquatic birds and livestock, avian flu poses a low public health threat to humans in New Jersey.