The Science Behind Cooking With An Oven Bag - Tasting Table

Its ability to retain moisture comes via a self-basting cycle that captures all the natural food juices resulting in maximum flavor. Seasonings in the oven bag are also constantly in contact with the food while cooking so they infuse it with optimal flavor.
The smaller enclosed environment of an oven bag ensures that heat evenly distributes, while the slits prevent it from overly steaming. The result is tender and evenly cooked food done in a relatively short space of time.
The best part about using an oven bag is the minimal clean-up afterward. There's no splatter or mess - everything is contained in the bag, which is usually discarded at the end. But you will completely avoid the danger of letting food drip in the oven.
Cook corned beef with potatoes or cabbage in an oven bag for a traditional one-pot (or one-bag) meal that's ultimately simpler and deliciously flavorful.
Read at Tasting Table