How To Buy Coffee That's Less Acidic - Tasting Table

When purchasing coffee, it's essential to note that acidity significantly affects the flavor profile. To find coffee with lower acidity, opt for dark roasts, as they tend to have a gentler acidity level. According to coffee sommelier Jee Choe, you can further reduce acidity by selecting shade-grown coffee and beans sourced from regions known for lower acidity, such as Brazil and Sumatra. Additionally, brewing methods like cold brewing can also minimize acidity. Monitoring these factors can lead to a more enjoyable coffee experience, especially for those sensitive to acidity.
"Darker roasts will be less acidic than lighter roasts," she explains while noting that you can reduce acidity by buying shade-grown coffee ..."
"If you want less acidic coffee, I recommend making cold brew using dark roast coffee," Choe advises. "The cold brew can even be heated to make hot coffee ..."
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