It's Not Just You. The Bauhaus Garnish Is Everywhere.

Both Peter Altenburg, owner of , a vinyl bar in Copenhagen's Frederiksberg neighborhood, and Max Venning, owner of East London's Three Sheets , say this shift toward minimalism started like a lot of things do: It began small, then got picked up more broadly. So while it's hard to pinpoint where and when the trend started, what enabled it, from a technical perspective, is fairly simple. It's the ice.
Venning estimates that block ice first started showing up in bars about 15 years ago. But back then, having a steady supply of it wasn't as easy as it is today. He described the process from his early days in Edinburgh: Boil water three times, freeze it in a container roughly the size of a sheet pan, then chop the blocks off the edge to avoid the cloudy middle. That would make about 10 blocks. 'The idea of doing that now is crazy.'
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