Homemade Cream Soda | Gluten Free & More

The original cream soda, unlike today's commercial versions, did include cream. A homemade version with Singing Dog Vanilla Syrup, heavy cream, and club soda can recreate this decadent yet refreshing drink.
Singing Dog Vanilla Syrup is organic, gluten-free, and alcohol-free, making it suitable for everyone. Variations can be made with extra creamy oat milk or coconut cream for those with dairy restrictions, or just add more vanilla syrup in place of cream.
While the author prefers club soda, sparkling water can also be used in the homemade cream soda recipe. This nostalgic treat from childhood can be recreated at home with simple ingredients.
The homemade cream soda recipe is a special indulgence, reminiscent of soda being a rare treat in childhood. Enjoy this treat and explore more drink recipes on the website.
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