Here's Where You'll Find One Of The Largest Gin Collections In The World - Tasting Table

The Atlas bar in Singapore presents a remarkable gin collection with over 1,300 varieties for tasting. The central gin tower is designed for efficiency, showcasing high-quality gins that must meet strict standards. Gins are categorized by flavor profile, allowing guests to explore options ranging from herbal to fruity. In addition to neat tastings, Atlas offers creative cocktails, including a unique twist on classic recipes. This immersive experience mirrors the elegance of the Gilded Age, making it a premier destination for gin enthusiasts.
With over 1,300 gins to taste, Atlas provides the setting for an explorative experience. Gins are categorized by style and flavors like herbal, spiced.
The structure is appropriately known as the gin tower, and the commanding display isn't just for show. Bottles are coded to help bartenders find labels quickly.
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