Sutton's Premier League predictions v Franklin star Daniel Mays

"I just cannot make head nor tail of United," said BBC Sport's football expert. "Their manager, Erik ten Hag, keeps saying that their performances are good, that they are making progress and that they have an identity, but I am just not seeing any of that."
"United fans get angry with me when I criticise their team, but deep down I think they secretly agree with me, and admire my predictions." - Chris Sutton
"Orient is purely a family thing because my dad's a massive fan," said Daniel Mays. "I am one of four boys and we are all O's fans bar my older brother above me, Jonathan, who supports West Ham - he's the only one who defected."
"We have had our fair share of heartache, losing three play-off finals. The worst one was at Wembley in 2014 when we lost to Rotherham in a penalty shootout after being 2-0 up at half-time. I've never left a ground as quickly as I did after that game." - Daniel Mays
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