This 65p hack prevents condensation in cars (and it's recommended by experts)

As cold weather approaches, drivers often face the frustrating problem of condensation forming inside their vehicles. To combat this issue cost-effectively, experts recommend placing a bowl of table salt inside the car overnight. This simple hack, costing around 65p for a 750g bottle from local supermarkets, helps absorb moisture in the air, thereby reducing the likelihood of condensation when warm air meets the cold windows. Persistent condensation can indicate other issues, like leaky seals, which may also affect MOT tests and safety regulations for drivers who must maintain clear visibility on the road.
"Placing a small bowl of table salt in the car overnight acts as a natural dehumidifier, absorbing excess moisture from the air and reducing condensation."
"Having less moisture in the air means that when the warm air inside the car contacts the cold air outside, there should be less condensation that forms."
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