Gang attack is foiled and three arrested as gardai find loaded shotgun after car cuts out

Gardaí believe they have thwarted a planned gun attack after arresting three individuals in possession of a loaded firearm, which appeared to have been intended for a hit. The investigation is particularly focused on a potential connection to a dispute between associates of prominent gang leaders, emphasizing the ongoing tensions in the criminal underworld of Dublin. Detectives are also looking into a recent violent incident involving a house assault as they piece together the motives and links.
The investigation into this incident highlights the growing concerns regarding gang-related violence in Dublin, especially with the involvement of notable figures such as Brian Rattigan. The loaded sawn-off shotgun, which the suspects had on them when apprehended, raises questions about the extent of planning that went into the potential hit and underscores the dangerous dynamics at play among rival factions. Authorities continue to monitor the situation closely.
Read at Irish Independent