Millennials Who Went To College Are Revealing The 27 Things They Wish They'd Known And Sorely Regret

"I went to a small Southern school that had a big Greek life. I came from the North and knew nothing about it. My school didn't rush until spring, so I made some great friends that first semester organically. We all ended up in the same sorority. Even if we didn't rush, we could have just hung out for free without having all the Greek life nonsense (they literally make you sing and dance - so oddly cult-like). To each their own, but I wish I'd skipped over Greek life."
"Sleeping around. Gonna jump right in and say that I don't hold any judgment nor am I slut-shaming here, and I absolutely respect the right of consenting adults to do what they want with other consenting adults. But it took me years to realize that I was having sex with men for all the wrong reasons. I'd have drunken one-night stands, and I think I was looking for validation, affection, and love at the end of the day, and often didn't want to actually have sex with the men I did have sex with. I'd often have unprotected sex, and while I somehow never contracted anything, I recognize now how dumb that was. Again, no shame, because I've had casual sex I absolutely didn't regret, too, but I just recognize that in college, I did it so often for the wrong reasons. I really had to figure out how to respect myself and look internally for validation." -Liz, 32, Missouri
"I should have gone to a small liberal arts college. As an introvert, the large flagship state school was probably not the best choice for me. I also regret living off-campus and spending more time online than interacting with other college
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