5 Ways to Instill a Company Culture Even When Your Workforce Is Virtual | Entrepreneur

Company culture is without a doubt one of the top job benefits for employees... a positive culture can be difficult to achieve.
Using the many tools now available, leaders can achieve company culture virtually. Here are a few ways you can create a winning culture for your remote teams.
Much like onsite workers, your remote employees and contractors have varied personalities. You likely have extroverts, who crave regular interaction with others, and introverts, who could be just fine with going days without direct communication with another human being. Get to know your workers one on one and determine the type of work environment that works best for each of them.
If your workers are being creative as part of their daily duties, consider that their unique work styles might improve their daily output. Instead of berating your designer for choosing to work late into the night and sleeping until noon the next day, consider that it may be just a part of that person's process.
Making remote meetups fun can help foster a sense of connection and engagement.
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