5 Bad Habits Of High-Achieving Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneur

You might be surprised at the high percentage of high-achieving entrepreneurs, whose unique combination of traits or habits that accelerate their success early on, later find these same traits eventually become what hold them back.
The human doing This behavior presents when you only feel 'worthy' or like 'enough' when you're being productive, useful or valuable. If you're not busy (over)achieving, you feel lazy, worthless or like you're wasting time. You're addicted to being busy and incapable of switching off - ever. This can impair recovery, creativity, problem-solving and long-term resilience.
Often feeling overworked and undervalued Constantly under pressure to deliver in tight deadlines Regularly on the edge of burnout Constantly stressed and overwhelmed Surrounded by people who disappoint you and don't meet your expectations Apprehensive about more responsibility because you're barely coping as is
So, while go-go-go may get you ahead in the beginning, there are dangerous consequences if you don't get your habits in check early on. Stay there too long, and it will bleed into your relationships, health and personal life.
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