UK economic growth forecasts downgraded in blow for Reeves

The Independent highlights its commitment to delivering essential journalism on issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. They emphasize the importance of having reporters on the ground to offer balanced perspectives as they remain accessible without paywalls. This commitment is significant during tense political times. Concurrently, economic forecasts from the EY Item Club indicate that the UK economy's growth for 2025 has been downgraded to 1%, which poses challenges for the Labour government’s spending initiatives, particularly after disappointing growth figures in late 2024.
At such a critical moment in US history, we need reporters on the ground to provide unbiased facts amidst rising socio-political tensions and misinformation.
The EY Item Club's latest forecasts suggest the UK economy will grow only 1% in 2025, less than the previously estimated 1.5%.
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