Under President Trump's administration, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) significantly expanded its enforcement capabilities, leading to alarming incidents involving legal immigrants. Cases include torture claims by returnees, denial of entry despite valid visas, and lengthy detentions without clear reason. Such actions highlight the discretionary power of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and the troubling use of extensive surveillance databases that can misinterpret any legal, albeit minor, transgressions as grounds for deportation. This illustrates a growing intolerance towards noncitizens, even those with lawful status.
These recent events - people with valid travel documents being detained and interrogated, sometimes violently - aren't entirely unusual.
DHS's vast surveillance capabilities weaponize personal details, from years-old criminal charges to seemingly innocuous social media posts.
#immigration-enforcement #legal-immigrants #dhs-surveillance #customs-and-border-protection #trump-administration