Walters: Business groups, lawmakers battle over measure to limit California tax hikes

Annually, individual Californians and California-based businesses pay roughly a half-trillion dollars in federal taxes personal income taxes, Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes, primarily. They also pay at least another half-trillion dollars to state and local governments personal income taxes, sales taxes and property taxes, primarily.
California's state government levies the nation's highest taxes per capita at $7,200, which translates into about $280 billion a year. Its $540 billion in state and local taxes rank fifth highest at 13.5% of its $4 trillion economy.
The stage is set for a significant battle over taxation in California, with the Democratic Party advocating for new taxes to maintain important services while Governor Gavin Newsom rejects tax hikes, proposing budget solutions involving deferments, loans, and reserves.
Despite increasing discontent among residents due to various living costs, voters had previously rejected a tax increase measure in California according to prominent polling organizations.
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