Libraries can still offer free passes to California parks, thanks to budget deal

We commend the legislature and Governor for reaching an agreement to restore full funding for this highly effective and popular program providing free access to California state parks," said Rachel Norton, executive director of the California State Parks Foundation.
This is a huge bonus for our families," said Amy Boese, a deputy county librarian in Merced County. "[It] really makes family time more accessible and having adventures a more achievable goal.
A study by California State Parks Foundation found that 70% of surveyed users of free passes made under $60,000 a year and that 63% of users identified as Black, Indigenous or people of color.
It's really an equity issue for being able to appreciate all of the experiences that California has to offer," Boese said. The entry fee for a state park can cost $10 or more, which makes it inaccessible for some families, she said.
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