Juvenile condors are ready to be released in California. Here's how to watch

"The leading cause of death for the 15 who perished, according to VWS senior wildlife biologist Joe Burnett, is lead poisoning from ingestion of spent lead ammunition. Condors are scavengers and eat carrion (the remains of dead animals)."
"If all goes well, this is obviously a huge milestone when you consider what happened in 2020, when we lost all those condors in the Dolan Fire."
"2024 is on track to be an unprecedented year for the Central California flock. With the 12 condors to be released in San Simeon and Pinnacles - and the nine wild chicks - the flock is projected to reach its highest number, 117."
"The Ventana Wildlife Society has released 56 juveniles from the San Simeon site since 2015, and 41 of those birds are still alive and flying free."
Read at Sacramento Bee