“If part of that is being shaped by AI, it raises some real concerns about whether we can rely on it,” Ferguson said. The potential for error or bias introduced by AI is still being studied. He added, law enforcement leaders have an understandable desire to improve efficiency.
Axon is marketing its Draft One tool as a force multiplier, which is attractive to many police departments struggling to recruit and retain officers, a crisis that many in law enforcement say was exacerbated by the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent protests.
“Man, with Draft One, if it's freeing up 20, 25% of my officers' day from writing reports, that's almost like a 20% bump in my force power overnight,” Rick Smith said.
“If this AI is going to speed up the reports, but without compromising accuracy, I think it's a win,” East Palo Alto Chief Jeff Liu said about the Draft One tool.