The Persian Gulf's March to the Cloud Presents Global Opportunities

"Hyperscale data centers are key to the success of the Gulf Cooperation Council's digital infrastructure expansion."
"Culture-wise, countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) historically have held cautionary, if not downright protectionist, attitudes toward state information and state bodies."
"According to Manish Ranjan, cloud expert at tech consultant IDC, 'those three years of forced online commerce accelerated the Gulf's digitization path and exposed businesses to the power of the public cloud - its flexibility, scalability, and security.'"
"The region's rapidly digitizing banking and transport sectors in particular are seeing strong demand for modernized customer service solutions."
"The value of the Middle East public cloud market is expected to reach $9.9 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 20.7% during this period, according to Blue Weave Consulting."
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