The newest expansion, Hobbies and Business, transforms gameplay in The Sims 4 by allowing players to start and manage unique business ventures. Offering options such as restaurants, vet clinics, and retail stores, this expansion improves upon past attempts to integrate businesses by providing better mechanics and features. Players can customize their establishments and target specific customer demographics, enriching the social dynamics and potential narratives within the game. With this expansion, Sims have an exciting platform to explore their ambitions and engage creatively with their worlds.
Hobbies and Business introduces unique business ventures in The Sims 4 that enrich storytelling and offer players profitable, engaging gameplay options.
The expansion enhances the ability to own and operate businesses significantly compared to its previous incarnation, Get to Work, providing a more nuanced and practical approach.
You can create various types of businesses—from small shops to restaurants—with customer targeting features that allow for tailored experiences based on Sims' traits and skills.
Each business type invites unique social interactions and dynamics, letting players craft personalized experiences while also exploring new storylines within the game.