"They will get worse if Labour makes catastrophic mistakes in the budget and hikes up tax in a way that destroys growth. I think one of the biggest lies we've had since Labour came to office is this nonsense about having the worst economic inheritance since the Second World War."
"You don't have to take my word for it, I mean just read this week's Economist where there's an article saying that (Reeves) could have actually not have a black hole of £22 billion but a surplus of £39 billion."
"My worry is that Labour believes its own propaganda and starts taking a whole series of decisions, particularly on things like Capital Gains Tax (CGT), which have a massive impact on deterring the investment in the economy that we really need."
"When it comes to the big decisions, we need to secure our economic growth, I think people are beginning to wonder whether Labour actually has a plan at all, because we've had absolutely nothing in the 12 weeks that they've been in office."