What's cooking? Major league eaters prepare for the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest * Brooklyn Paper

As many as 3,000 franks will be prepped on the flat-top grills in the Nathan's kitchen on the morning of the Hot Dog Eating Contest, as well as two massive additional grills they bring in specially for the competition."The servers use tongs to go in, and they flip. Go in, and they flip," Shea explained, describing the motions of the cooks. "It's almost an art, it's almost a dance. You see the motion of a plié, almost an arabesque. It's almost like a professional dance troupe."
Back then, the contest was "pretty small," Shea said, just a couple of contestants, a couple of cameras."What I saw in the contest was the opportunity for a lot of enjoyment, humor, and drama, real drama," Shea said. "There's nothing quite like this because it marries humor and the excitement of an actual athletic event."
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