"I said, 'no, you're not taking my pocketbook,' and then the first young lady hit me in my face. I got a cut on the bridge of my nose, and she punched me in my face. I fell, and then she stomped on me," said Linda Rosa, who fought back against her attackers.
"I thank God that I was okay. They [EMS] checked out my head and my chest, because I am a cancer survivor, so I was worried they had hit my chest, but luckily, I came back okay," Rosa reflected on the incident.
Rosa believes her attackers were teenagers, saying, "They need to serve the community because what did they do, what did they accomplish? Are they proud of this?" stressing the need for accountability.
Local residents expressed concern, with one saying, "It does make me hesitant and scared of people. I always stand near the wall because these days people have a tendency to push," highlighting a community's fear of rising crime.