The basements and sub-basements were totally submerged in as much as 25 feet of water as storm sewers in the area reached full capacity, wiping out the zoo's boilers and important networks, such as the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), electrical, and aquatic life support systems.
During a recent tour of the zoo, Craig Piper, vice president and director of City Zoos for the Wildlife Conservation Society, explained to Brooklyn Paper that on Sept. 29, 2023, the 12-acre zoo was essentially underwater - some areas seeing six inches of flooding, others faced with several feet of water.
The zoo was shuttered for eight months after it suffered severe damage to its facilities and infrastructure during Tropical Storm Ophelia last September, and close to $6.5 million has been spent to date to reopen.
With help from partnering city zoos, staff moved quickly to install emergency generators and fuel tanks around the park to ensure the safety and ongoing care of the animals.
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