Open-Gangway Trains Arrive on The G Line

On March 4, 2025, the MTA introduced open-gangway subway cars on the G line as part of its modernization strategy. The new R211 cars feature wider doors for faster boarding, security cameras, improved seating, and enhanced digital displays. NYC Transit President Demetrius Crichlow emphasized their safety and reliability improvements. With a significant order of R211 cars approved, including both open-gangway and traditional designs, each ride on the G line now has a 15% chance of featuring an open-gangway train, reflecting ongoing efforts to improve the overall commuter experience.
"Between improved reliability, safety enhancements and amenities, R211 train cars will make a world of difference for G train riders," said NYC Transit President Demetrius Crichlow. "The R211s are state of the art and less prone to breakdowns, which means smoother trips and more reliable service for decades to come."
"While there's still much work ahead, these new train cars, coupled with the G train's signal modernization improvements made this past summer, will improve rider experience," said City Council Member Shahana Hanif.
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