"Heat can be deadly, and it is important for all New Yorkers to take precautions such as staying hydrated, wearing light clothing, and limiting strenuous outdoor activities," said New York City Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol. This underscores the severity of the heat advisory and the potential health risks associated with extreme temperatures.
The warning signs of heat illness include hot dry skin, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, confusion, disorientation, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. If you or someone you know feels weak or faint, go to a cool place and drink water. If there is no improvement, call a doctor or 911. This detailed explanation emphasizes the critical situation from extreme heat.
During periods of intense electrical usage, it is important to conserve energy as much as possible to avoid brownouts and other electrical disruptions. While diminishing your power usage may seem inconvenient, your cooperation will help to ensure that utility providers are able to provide uninterrupted electrical service to you and your neighbors.
New York City cooling centers will be open throughout the five boroughs. To find a cooling center, including accessible facilities, call 311 or visit the Cool Options Map. It highlights the support provided by the city for residents needing relief from the heat.