A new seven-story mixed-use building is scheduled to break ground at 1547 60th St. in Borough Park in March. The development will include a community facility, retail spaces, a passive recreational terrace, and limited parking options. However, the site has a history of industrial use, leading to environmental concerns as contamination has been discovered in the soil and groundwater. A remedial action work plan has been submitted by Beitel Group to address these issues, emphasizing the project's commitment to safety and community enhancement.
The future 3,401-square-foot facility will skimp on parking, as plans include a cellar-level lot in addition to a second-floor parking facility.
Due in part to the lot's long history of industrial use, an environmental assessment revealed hazardous contaminants in the soil and groundwater.
The site, currently vacant, has been used for more than 100 years for factory production and auto body repair, raising environmental concerns.
A Remedial Investigation Report detected semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), metals, and pesticides in soil samples, highlighting the site's contamination issues.
#borough-park #real-estate-development #environmental-assessment #community-planning #mixed-use-buildings