Fight for a ferry continues: Brannan requests study on potential service to Coney Island * Brooklyn Paper

I'm officially resurrecting the push for an ocean side Coney ferry with service from Steeplechase Pier to Manhattan. I fought to bring an express ferry back to Bay Ridge and it's been a game changer. Now it's time to finally make the Coney ferry a reality.
The proposal breathed new life into the fight for a ferry for many Coney Islanders. Advocates have long petitioned for an oceanside ferry that could increase accessibility to Manhattan.
The proposed law would require the Department of Transportation commissioner to open a study and report on the feasibility of a Coney Island ferry, collaborating with other city departments.
Brannan's bill encourages the city to consider potential terminal sites in walkable locations for southern Brooklynites, and enabling increased access to Manhattan for locals.
Read at Brooklyn Paper