Do we Need Exclusive Bus Lanes on Flatbush Avenue?

Any plan back then was subject to a traffic study to make sure the effects on other traffic would not have disastrous implications. Today it is just assumed that buses are too slow and bus lanes are warranted on any street with more than one lane in each direction to make them go faster regardless of bus frequencies.
The fallacy is that buses are not that slow when compared to automobiles, which average 9 to 10 mph on city streets. Local Brooklyn buses average 6.3 mph and buses must make more stops than cars, so they naturally must travel slower.
For bus lanes to make sense, bus frequencies should be no greater than every five minutes. Flatbush Avenue qualifies between Livingston Street and Avenue N, where buses operate in peak hours about every three or four minutes.
That could be a real problem if traffic is backed up between Grand Army Plaza and Atlantic Avenue, as there are few alternatives since all left turns are banned at all times.
Read at BKReader