
"The cost of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Manhattan, is estimated at $2,500,000. It was begun in 1858 and completed in 1889. St. John the Divine Cathedral has been under construction for over a dozen years and it is not known when it will be finished. It will be both larger and more magnificent than St. Patrick's."
"Boro President John A. Lynch of Richmond came out strongly today in favor of the proposed bridge over the Narrows to connect Staten Island with Brooklyn. He stated that he is preparing a resolution to present to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the appropriation of $100,000 for surveys and other preliminary work. Gaining permission from the War Department for a span of the Narrows is the only step necessary to carry out the project, he stated. While the boro president is strongly in favor of the bridge, he still believes in the project for digging a tube under the Narrows, and would like to see both a tube and a bridge completed, he said." "Francis E. Leman, president of the powerful Staten Island Civic League, said that the bridge project is the best idea for connecting Staten Island with Brooklyn that has ever been advanced."
Read at Brooklyn Eagle