Jay Brown, president of Community Education Council 21, expressed significant concern about the loss of funding for after-school programs, stating, 'This is a huge issue and as we get closer to the start of the school year, the worry about this funding has been increasing. We've been contacted by parents and parent associations who are extremely concerned about the current state of things.'
Annette Velez, Executive Director of NIA Community Services, outlined the challenges faced by community organizations in adapting to the new funding structure, highlighting that, 'when the Advantage After School and Empire State After School programs were phased out, CBOs like NIA had to apply for new contracts to secure funding for each school they served.'
The article emphasizes the impact on families, noting, 'some southern Brooklyn CBOs were not approved for any after-school funding this year, leaving many students with nowhere to go in the afternoons while their parents work full-time.'