4 reasons to go to Brooklyn if you like Paul Auster

"New York was an inexhaustible space, a labyrinth of endless steps, and no matter how far he walked, no matter how well he came to know its neighborhoods and streets, it always left him with the feeling of being lost," wrote Paul Auster in City of Glass, the first volume of his New York Trilogy, published in 1985. This sentiment encapsulates the complexity and allure of New York City as seen through Auster's eyes.
Brooklyn Bridge, with its pointed arches, can be crossed on foot. The traffic on the lower lane resembles 'the buzzing of an enormous swarm of bees.' This vivid imagery reflects Auster's ability to capture the essence of city life, transforming everyday experiences into poetic observations about urban existence.
Writer Gérard de Cortanze reminisced about his friend Paul Auster, recalling how they would stroll along the Brooklyn Heights boardwalk. ‘Paul chose to live in Brooklyn because apartments were cheaper than in Manhattan. His wife, Siri, was horrified at the idea of joining him there,’ said de Cortanze. This highlights Auster's practical living choices juxtaposed with personal relationships.
After a stay in Carroll Gardens, a formerly Italian neighborhood controlled by the Mafia, the American writer settled permanently in Park Slope. This detail emphasizes Auster's journey through different neighborhoods in search of belonging, reflecting broader themes of displacement and identity often found in his work.
Read at Le Monde.fr