Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens has secured a $250,000 grant from the National Grid Foundation to enhance its heating assistance programs during the harsh winter. The funds will assist families and older adults with critical heating costs, including a newly established 'Stay Cozy Fund.' Monsignor Alfred LoPinto expressed gratitude for the foundation's support, emphasizing the impact on those in need. The grant will be distributed across five programs and also cover expenses at various residences and centers serving low-income individuals and families.
"On behalf of our community, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the foundation for its incredible generosity and unwavering support... Thank you for making a meaningful difference in the lives of so many."
The grant will be distributed across five Catholic Charities programs that provide emergency heating assistance... This marks the first year that the National Grid Foundation has partnered with Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens to support its emergency heating funds.
Of the total grant, $100,000 will fund the newly established Catholic Charities 'Stay Cozy Fund,' providing emergency financial assistance to families struggling to pay their heating bills.
The remaining $130,000 will go toward heating expenses at several Catholic Charities residences and service centers, including the Peter Striano Residence, Monastery Senior Housing, Caring Communities Apartments, and St. Malachy's Early Childhood Development Center.