Boston Condo Brokers Thoughts On The Male Brain Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

I've come to the conclusion that food and sex occupy 99% of the male brain. The other 1% accomplishes everything else... selling Boston condos and updating the real estate blog.
Well, obviously with food we have fewer relationship issues. Whenever you are in the mood, food wants to do it too.
I never had a bag of Doritos Cool Ranch that wasn't in the mood to open. Never had a sleeve of Oreos say, 'Hang on, this is going a little too fast for me.' Never had a cupcake say, 'Put me down. I'm not in the mood tonight.'
Enough of my personal problems, let's get back to Beacon Hill condos for sale. These home dressings are always open for view.
Read at Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty