Residents of Narragansett, Rhode Island, have been complaining about a malfunctioning foghorn off Salty Brine State Beach, which has been blaring every 30 seconds for weeks. Many find the noise extremely irritating, with a local saying it's "crazy" and too persistent. The Coast Guard has confirmed that the issue is mechanical but has no timeline for repairs due to structural concerns. Local residents are anxious for resolution, especially with summer approaching when outdoor noise will be more bothersome.
"It's annoying, extremely annoying," Peggy Benz told the news outlet, adding that she hears it at both her home and at her workplace. "It's crazy. Absolutely crazy."
"I think in moderation, it brings you back to the days when the Point Judith lighthouse used to have a fog horn. But this is a little bit too much," Benz said.
"We'd like to have it fixed. ... It's been like this for months," resident Anne Kotch told NBC 10. "In the house, we don't really hear it right now, but outside in the summer, we'll be more aware of it."