The co-opting of MLK Jr. by...everybody

In her book, The Struggle for the People's King, Hajar Yazdiha explores the transformation of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy from an unpopular figure at the time of his death to a widely revered symbol of justice and peace. Yazdiha discusses the ways in which different political ideologies have reshaped King's memory to suit their agendas, often sidelining the intense struggles and controversies he faced. This cooptation of King's legacy raises questions about the authenticity of contemporary celebrations of his work and the true essence of civil rights activism.
Hajar Yazdiha emphasizes that while Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy has been coopted by various political groups, it originally stemmed from his grassroots activism and struggle for equality.
King was largely unpopular at the time of his assassination, but his memory has been transformed into a widely accepted symbol of justice and peace, celebrating power rather than the struggle.
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