Book Designer Michael Russem on Why "Everything Is Garbage"

"Just as the history of the world is filled with misery and suffering and war and disease, the history of printing and book design is mostly filled with garbage," says Michael Russem, book artist and Visiting Curator of Graphic Design at the Katherine Small Gallery, near Boston, which is currently showcasing the iconic work of designer Janet Halverson.
"She worked on all sorts of remarkable covers that will be known to people, but her name is known to almost no one," he says. "She would work on all sorts of books for Jack Kerouac, and John McPhee, and Maya Angelou - so she was trusted and respected enough to get all these really big, important books, but she was not respected enough to be given any attention. Meanwhile, all of her male counterparts, who were working on books just as important, were getting all sorts of attention, but she wasn't."
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