10th Anniversary Bay Area Book Festival: Outdoor Fair (Berkeley)

The 10th Anniversary Bay Area Book Festival will take place in two parts: Family Day at the Berkeley Public Library on Saturday, May 4, 2024 (geared towards youngsters through teens/YA) and our full 10th Anniversary festival on June 1 & 2, 2024 in Downtown Berkeley. We plan to present the 2024 festival fully in person, with the possibility of some events additionally available via livestream. Barring unforeseen changes in the public health situation, we do not currently plan to host any fully virtual events in 2024.
The Festival offers a panoramic view of what's most exciting in literature today. Our goal is to create conversation, prioritizing authors and topics that reflect and engage the diverse readers who live and work in the Bay Area. We center marginalized voices, explore complex current events from a multitude of angles, and celebrate boundary-pushing literature. Our comprehensive program for children and middle grade readers finds new and creative ways to engage young readers and their caregivers through interactive and innovative programming.
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