This article presents a series of trivia questions and answers from various categories, including literature, sports, films, and history. It highlights the quirky nature of the questions, such as the unusual middle name of detective Lord Peter Wimsey and the significance of Sally Field's Oscar speech in 1985. It also explores cultural aspects like the theme music of 'Coronation Street' and the various nicknames of famous swimmers, demonstrating the diverse range of knowledge covered in the trivia.
Lord Peter Wimsey, created by Dorothy L. Sayers, is the famous literary detective whose middle name is 'Death', showcasing Sayers' flair for the enigmatic.
Snooker is the game played on a Riley Aristocrat, known for its distinctively elegant design, often associated with the upper echelons of billiard sports.
Sally Field famously declared 'You like me!' during her 1985 Oscar acceptance speech, which became an iconic moment of heartfelt emotion in Hollywood history.
The theme tune 'Lancashire Blues' is associated with the popular TV programme 'Coronation Street', reflecting the show's deep cultural roots in Northern England.