The Blade that Hungers treasure map in Avowed poses a significant challenge due to vague clues and a tricky perspective. It's available for purchase from Bulti in Solace Keep, requiring players to have Marius in their party for access. The hidden treasure lies in the caves and mountains east of the fort, where players must decipher a misleading map to find the Umbral Needle dagger. This dagger, known for its critical hit chance and enchantments like Fampyr's Bite and Greater Opening Strike, is particularly valuable at this stage of the game.
The Blade that Hungers is a challenging treasure map in Avowed, offering one of the game's most valuable weapons, the Umbral Needle dagger, upon completion.
To find The Blade that Hungers treasure, players must interpret a tricky map, navigate tunnels east of Solace Keep, and face off against spiders.
The Umbral Needle dagger features formidable enchantments like Fampyr's Bite, restoring 2% health from damage dealt, and Greater Opening Strike, enhancing damage against full-health enemies.
Marius is essential to access Solace Keep, and The Blade that Hungers map is obtainable from Bulti, located in front of a giant altar.